Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Welcome

    • Course Outline

    • Pre-Course Survey

  • 2

    Choose Your Destination

    • Choose Your Destination

    • Setting a Goal

    • Enter Your Goal

  • 3

    Why Credit Matters

    • Why Credit Matters

    • What is a Credit Score?

    • Have You Checked Your Credit Score?

    • Check Your Progress

    • A Story About Why Credit Matters

    • A Tale of Two Borrowers

    • 3 Years Later

    • He Paid, She Paid...

    • Cost of Borrowing Money

    • Why Having Good Credit Matters

    • Ingredients of a Credit Score

    • Two Most Important Factors

    • It Takes Time

    • Good Debt, Bad Debt

    • Paying More than the Minimum

    • Time vs. Cost

    • Think About It

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    Step 4

    • Step 4

    • Choose a Strategy

    • #1: Start Building a Credit History

    • #2: Improve Payment History

    • #3: Stay Under 30% of Your Credit Limit

    • #4 Manage Accounts

    • Which Strategy Did You Choose?

    • Strategy to Focus On: Choose Only One

    • What Can You Do Now?

    • What Can You Do in the Future?

    • Action Steps to Improve Your Credit

  • 5

    Reflection and Reminders

    • Let's Talk About Your Goal

    • Obstacles

    • Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles

    • Act Now - Set Reminders

    • Thank You

    • Keep Your Goal Top of Mind

    • Credit Voyage Survey