Savings Success
Get Your Savings On! Learn how to set savings goals you can achieve. Ditch paycheck-to-paycheck living this year.
Savings Success
Pre-Course Survey
Why Save? It Puts You in Control
There are Different Savings Goals
Set a Savings Goal
What's Your Savings Goal?
My Savings Goal
How Often and How Much Can You Save?
How Much is Easy to Save?
Write it Down
How Much Does That Add Up To?
My Savings Goals: Getting Specific
What are Some Ways to Reduce Cost?
Ways to reduce expenses
How do I Break it Down?
How do I Break it Down: An Example
Break it Down
How Do I Keep the Money Aside?
How Do I Keep the Money Aside, Now Your Turn
Life Happens
What's My Backup Plan?
Your Back-up Plan
Setbacks Are Not Failures
Set My Reminders
You Made a Lot of Progress
Savings Success Survey